


    Development of nutrition bread using purple sweet potato juice concentrate

    Abstract:Background: Purple Sweet Potato with its excellent characteristics, as well as the rich nutritional value, the application of bread is a big innovation. With the wide application of purple sweet potato in food processing, as well as the popularity of food nutrition and safety knowledge, purple sweet potato bread will be popular and popular among all groups. Objective: To study the application of purple sweet potato juice as the main raw material, and its application in purple sweet potato bread. Methods: Through the control variables, change to join the purple sweet potato juice concentrate and the proportion of the baking temperature and time to produce different color and taste of bread; sensory evaluation and chemical analysis were used to find the optimum preparing process of purple sweet potato bread. Results: Sensory evaluation showed that when the amount of juice and milk were 25g and 75g, respectively, the taste of bread was the best at 150oC for 50min. Hardness test showed that with the increase of purple sweet potato juice content, the hardness is smaller; the same baking temperature, with the extension of the baking time, the greater hardness. The sugar content analysis showed that the higher the concentration of purple sweet potato juice will induce the higher sugar content. Conclusion: The best preparation formula of purple sweet potato bread: high gluten wheat flour 250g, purple potato juice concentrate 25g, milk 75g, butter 30g, egg 1, sugar 30g, salt 3G, yeast powder 5g; the best baking temperature and time: 150 degrees 50min.

    Key words: purple sweet potato juice, flavor bread;sensory evaluation;baking process

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    2 基于紫薯浓缩汁为原料,探究紫薯面包的最佳工艺 3

    2.1 实验材料 3

    2.2 实验器材 3

    2.3 实验方法 3

    2.3.1 面包的制作过程 3

    2.3.2 单因素试验 4

    2.3.3 面包的感官评定 5

    2.3.4 面包的理化分析 5

    3 实验结果 7

    3.1 不同紫薯浓缩汁与牛奶的比例的面包理化性质分析 7

    3.1.1 紫薯浓缩汁与牛奶的不同比例对面包比容的影响 7

    3.1.2 紫薯浓缩汁与牛奶的不同比例对面包含水量的影响

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