

    毕业论文关键词:果汁含醇饮料 稳定性 花色素苷 储存

    The Preliminary exploration about stability of fruit juice drinks containing alcohol  

    Abstract:Today, fruit juice beverage and alcoholic beverages are popular in the market, but, for a combination of both, fruit juice drinks containing alcohol still lacks related research. Based on the existing related information and the author respectively for 10%, 30%, 50% concentration of cranberry juice, strawberry juice, raspberry juice and red grape juice in 4.5 °, 8 ° and 12 ° alcohol content in fruit juice beverage stability experimentsAn initial investigation on the stability of fruit juice drinks contains alcohol. Adopt the method of controlled experiment, in order to select the suitable match with alcohol concentration fruit juice and appropriate preservation environment. Both can guarantee the taste of drink, and have excellent stability. After the best collocation of concentration and storage conditions, after reading through the literature, guess ing anthocyanidin glycosides  is one of the important factors which influences the stability of fruit juice drinks containing alcohol, and through the PH differential methods under different conditions of fruit juice drinks containing alcohol contents of fanthocyanidin glycosides , providing that speculation is correct .After a series of experiments, finally obtains the following results: under the same other conditions, the stability of red grape juice best, stability of raspberry worst; the same storage conditions, the same juice types and concentration of fruit juice case, alcohol degrees higher, stronger stability. Other conditions were the same, storage stability at room temperature the best. First, the study found that the flowers anthocyanin content of precipitation which has an important influence. More precipitation, higher anthocyanin content that anthocyanin of precipitation has an important influence. 

    Key Words:fruit juice drinks containing alcohol  stability anthocyanidin glycosides  storage


    1绪论 1

    1.1 果汁含醇饮料国内外概况 1

    1.2 红葡萄概述 2

    1.3 树莓概述 2

    1.4 草莓概述 3

    1.5 蔓越莓概述 4

    1.6 影响果汁含醇饮料稳定性的因素 4

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