


    毕业论文关键词:土地资源  可持续利用  江苏省  

     The Evaluation of Sustainable Utilization of Regional Land Resources - A Case Study of Jiangsu Province

    Abstract Land as the most important human production, in the development of human society plays an irreplaceable role, with the rapid urbanization and industrialization, the quantity and quality of land a serious decline, more and more attention by the public. It appears sustainable theory, as we solve the land problem provides a new way of thinking. In this paper, under the premise of the area before detailed understanding of Jiangsu Province, in order to improve the sustainable use of land for the purpose of land from production, ecological safety, resource conservation, economic feasibility, affordability five social aspect, select a hectare grain yield, total water resources, the natural population growth rate, the proportion of effective irrigation area, the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste, built-up area green coverage and per capita GDP, the tertiary industry in the proportion of GNP, population density and number of doctors per thousand 10 indicators, Jiangsu Province to build sustainable land use evaluation index system, through the analysis of indicators in Jiangsu Province 13 prefecture-level cities decade in the spatial analysis of 13 prefecture-level cities of land use, and 13 prefecture-level city is pided into four grades, and then on the sustainable use of land in Jiangsu Province comprehensive evaluation of the current situation and make a few suggestions based on the results of the evaluation of the sustainable use of land resources in Jiangsu Province.

    Key Words: land resources  sustainable use  Jiangsu Province

    目  录







    1 绪论1

    1.1研究目的及意义- 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 1

    1.3主要研究内容和技术路线 -2

    2 研究区域概况- - -2

    3 指标体系的构建及权重的确定- 3

    3.1指标体系的构建-   -3

    3.2指标权重的确定 4

    4 土地可持续利用评价- 5

    4.1数据来源及处理- -5

    4.2综合指数确定- 6

    4.3评价标准确定- 7

    4.4评价结果分析- 7

    5 建议-11




    图序号 图名称 页码

    图4-1 江苏省土地可持续利用评价综合指数

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