

    ABSTRACT    Financial Mathematics is an developing and crossing discipline. Its main feature is using mathematical theories and methods to study and explore the operation of the law of financial markets. The first chapter briefly describes the concepts of financial mathematics and focuses on several important mathematical theory of financial mathematics, sorts out and summarizes the theoretical framework of financial mathematics. The following chapter introduces financial mathematics at home and abroad in the course of development and its current situation, and particularly refers to the research progress of new theory stage of financial mathematics. The third chapter expounds financial mathematics in financial investment, mainly chooses Modern Portfolio Theory and Option Pricing Models as a subject for discussion. Finally a little about the theoretical and practical problems which currently exist on the status of development of financial mathematics, and the possible trend of financial mathematics in the future presented.

    毕业论文关键词:  金融数学; 资产组合; 资本资产定价; 期权定价

    Keyword: financial mathematics; Modern Portfolio; Capital Asset Pricing; Option Pricing


    摘   要 3


    一、引言 6

    (一)、金融数学的概念 6

    (二)、金融数学的理论框架 6

    1、现代证券组合理论(Modern Portfolio Theory, MPT) 6

    2、资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM) 7

    3、套利定价理论(Arbitrage Pricing Theory, APT) 8

    4、期权定价模型(Option Pricing Modal, OPM) 8

    二、 金融数学的发展与现状 10

    (一)、金融数学在国外的发展历程 10

    1、金融数学的萌芽生长阶段 10

    2、金融数学的蓬勃发展阶段 10

    (二)、金融数学在国外的发展现状 11

    1、鞅理论 11

    2、随机最优控制理论 12

    3、 微分对策理论 12

    (三)、金融数学在国内的发展与现状 12

    三、金融数学的主要理论模型在投资中的应用 13

    (一)、证券组合理论的应用 13

    1、证券组合的预期收益模型 13

    2、证券组合的方差模型 14

    (二)、期权定价模型的应用 14

  1. 上一篇:金融上市公司的价值评估模型
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  6. 大数定律在生活中的应用

  7. 威布尔分布的参数估计

  8. 河岸冲刷和泥沙淤积的监测国内外研究现状

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