    摘  要:运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等对世界羽联总决赛男单决赛谌龙与文亭胡斯的比赛进行分析,发现文亭胡斯在每局开始时比较有气势,调动比较积极,不断地跳起杀球。不过打法有些单调,整个技战术组合不够丰富、不够立体,在比赛过程中无法寻求突破点。到后期体力下降失误率增高稳定性降低,心理防线逐渐溃败,导致后期的连续性失误。而谌龙在比赛过程中通过拉吊来控制对方,寻求机会进行突击,控制着整场比赛的节奏。通过对比发现文亭胡斯更注重进攻,属于突击型打法而防守能力较弱多拍的稳定性不强。谌龙则属于拉吊结合突击型打法,攻防比较均衡通过挑推平高球控制后场底线,抓对手回球质量不高时进行突击下压,对防守和步伐要求较高。针对比赛过程中出现的问题提出以下建议:在羽毛球训练过程中要注重运动员的基本功训练和主动控网,平球控底线,多拍突击能力的加强。研究单打技战术并进一步简化应用到中学羽毛球教学中去,浅显易懂培养学生的学习兴趣,激发其学习羽毛球的热爱,为今后羽毛球运动的开展提供参考依据。34228
    Analysis of the 2014 World Badminton Men's singles finals tactics
    Abstract: using the method of literature, video observation, mathematical statistics method, comparative analysis method on the 2014 World Badminton Competition finals in the men's singles final Chen long and Wei Ting, carries on the analysis, found that, compared with the momentum of the wieting at the beginning of each round, mobilize more active, constantly jump smash. But the play is somewhat monotonous, the combination of technical and tactical rich enough, not enough solid, to seek a breakthrough point in the course of the game. To the late physical decline failure rate increased stability decreased gradually, the psychological line of defense was led to the failure of the continuity. But Chen long in the course of the game through the pull hanging to control each other, seek opportunities for assault, control the game rhythm. By contrast, pay more attention to attack Wei Ting, assault style and defensive Stability ability is not strong. Chen long to pull hanging with assault style, offensive and defensive balance through pick push back flat Golf control line, spot under the pressure to catch the opponents ball quality is not high, higher requirements on the defensive and pace. Made the following recommendations for the problems in the process of the game: the basic skill training in badminton training process should pay attention to athletes and active control network, flat ball bottom line, strengthen the ability of multi shot assault. Study on the singles tactics and to further simplify the application to high school badminton teaching, easy to cultivate students' interest in learning, inspire a love of learning badminton, and to provide reference for the future of badminton sport.
    Keywords: The 2014 world badminton federation;Badminton Men's singles; technology; tactics
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    关键词    1
    前言    2
    1.研究对象与方法    2
    1.1研究对象    3
    1.2研究方法    3
    2.结果与分析    3
    2.1 总体情况分析    3
    2.2 前场技术运用及得分情况分析    4
    2.3中场技术运用及得分情况分析    4
    2.4 后场技术运用及得分情况分析    5
    2.5 战术运用情况分析    5
    3.结论与建议    6
    3.1 结论    6
    3.2 建议    6
    参考文献    8
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