
    摘要自从1951 年到 2001年以来,国家一直看重学生身体心理健康的发展,体育课地位越来越高,因此如何发展体育活动,如何使体育课更有效果越来越成为体育工作者所关注的共同话题。所以一种全新的体育游戏课堂模式进入大家视线,初中体育的教学在将锻炼学生身体提高身体素质作为目标的同时,还使学生养成了团结合作和坚强不屈的精神,在体育教学中加入相关的一些体育游戏进去,不但能提高学生的运动兴趣,还可以有效提高体育教学的效率。43936


    毕业论文关键词:体育游戏; 体育课; 实验对照;效用

    Abstract Since 1951 to 2001, our country has been on the development of students' physical and mental health, physical education is becoming more and more high, so how to develop sports activities, how to make more and more the result of PE teachers is the common topic of concern. So a new sports game teaching mode into the sight of junior middle school sports teaching, the students' physical exercise to improve physical fitness as a target at the same time, but also to enable students to develop the cooperation and be firm and inflexible spirit, adding some sports games in sports teaching, not only can improve the students' interest in sports, but also can effectively improve the efficiency of physical teaching.

    In this paper the effect of sports games, sports games in physical education teachers to lead the definition is arranged according to the actual situation, physical education teaching task and a different routine teaching activities, bring a great help for the teaching of physical education of sports games, sports games, the junior middle school sports the utility of teaching to do a simple inquiry, can provide a theoretical basis for the development and application of sports games in sports teaching in junior middle school. This paper also used the survey method, literature material, questionnaire survey, expert interviews, comparative analysis, mathematical statistics research method, experimental teaching method, by selecting the experimental classes and control classes in the experiment applied in the junior middle school sports teaching sports games have a variety of experimental data analysis, that join in sports games after all, sports scores of the experimental class are better than the control class, the research of sports games in PE class of utility is conducive to development, and write a thesis on the basis of the experimental results.

    Keyword: Sports Games; sports course; experiment; utility

    目    录

    1 引言…….. 5 



        1.2.1 体育游戏 ..5

        1.2.2 现状研究.5



    2 研究方法..6

     2.1 文献资料法6

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