

    Abstract    Using literature, questionnaire, logical analysis and mathematical statistics research methods, analysis the feasibility Launch of the IAAF kids athletics project in Tonglu Fuchun primary school.Investigation is aimed at students and their parents to carry out the project's cognitive, school leaders and teachers' attitude to the project to carry out, the school's teaching resource allocation, fund input, etc, to analyze the inferior primary school to carry out the IAAF kids athletics interest in track and field project in the aspect of hardware and software of feasibility and rationalization proposal is put forward. The research of this paper for Tonglu Fuchun primary school new sports provides practical reference, promote the IAAF kid’s athletics interest in Tonglu Fuchun elementary school track and field, the innovation development of the IAAF kids athletics interest in track and field project also has important value. 


    Keywords: Tonglu Fuchun primary school; the IAAF kids athletics project;    feasibility 


    1 前言 1

    2 研究对象与方法 1

    2.1 研究对象 1

    2.2 研究方法 1

    2.2.1 文献资料法 1

    2.2.2 问卷调查法 2

    2.2.3 数理统计法 2

    3 结果与分析 2

    3.1国际田联少儿趣田径项目的概况 2

    3.2 国际田联少儿趣田径项目的特点 2

    3.2.1 国际田联少儿趣田径项目具有趣性 2

    3.2.2 国际田联少儿趣田径项目具有科学性 2

    3.2.3 国际田联少儿趣田径项目具有系统 2

    3.2.4 国际田联少儿趣田径项目具有适应性 3

    3.2.5 国际田联少儿趣田径项目体现竞争性 3

    3.2.6 国际田联少儿趣田径项目体现合作性 3

    3.3 校园开展国际田联少儿趣田径项目的价值 3

    3.3.1 提高学生的练习效果和身体素质 3

    3.3.2 增加学生练习的趣,满足学生特点 3

    3.3.3 建立积极情绪,促进学生的心理健康 3

    3.3.4 营造良好的课堂教学氛围,提高体育教学质量 4

    3.3.5 培养学生的团队意识,改善学生人际关系 4

    3.3.6 增强学生的竞争意识,磨练意志品质

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