        With the development of our social and political economy, fitness concept is more and more integrated into people's life, fitness become an integral part of modern life. More and more people to join the fitness club, start in order to all kinds of requirements in terms of fitness activities. Hangzhou feelwell fitness club is within the scope of hangzhou are one of the better fitness club, for the development of the fitness industry in hangzhou has certain representativeness, Philip wei fitness club of other fitness club management and development for the future research has certain reference value.
        This article mainly USES the literature material law, field observation method, interview method, questionnaire and mathematical statistics research methods, such as in hangzhou feelwell fitness club management present situation, the problem of the employees, fitness and the investigation and analysis and discussion, the conclusion is as follows:
        Fitness industry is gradually brought to the attention of the government, the development of countries have issued regulations, and to promote the development of fitness industry, pointed out the general direction of the development of the fitness industry, but in view of the fitness industry in the development of specific policies and regulations is not perfect enough, there is no specific rules on operator's behavior, also for generating the dispute cannot very good solve. Supervision department needs the government to set up dedicated management, standardize the management of the club and development, make the fitness industry healthy and orderly development.
  1. 上一篇:杭州市青少年篮球培训市场现状的调查与研究
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