


     Investigation and Analysis on the situation of high school students' participation in extracurricular basketball in Luanchuan County

    Abstract: In this paper, using the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics to Luanchuan County high school boys participate in extracurricular basketball movement to carry on the investigation and analysis, find out the extracurricular basketball sport is an important factor in influence of Luanchuan County high school boys: the extracurricular basketball movement development situation is not ideal, the basketball facilities, schools do not attach importance to, the activities of the organization in the form of a single is the main reason leading to this situation. Aimed at these problems, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: schools should pay more attention to the extracurricular basketball campaign carried out, construction and maintenance facilities, held various forms of basketball activities, teaching of basketball skills, training and Stimulate the interest of students. In order to provide valuable reference for the development of high school basketball in Luanchuan County in the future.

    Key words: high school; boys; extracurricular; basketball

     目    录

    摘  要 1

    引言 2

    1.研究对象与方法 2

    1.1研究对象 2

    1.2研究方法 2

    2.研究的结果与讨论分析 2

    2.1栾川县高中男生课外篮球运动开展现状 2

    2.2制约栾川县高中男生参与课外篮球运动的因素 5

    3.结论与建议 6

    3.1结论 6

    3.2建议 6

    参考文献 8

    附录 9

    致谢 11 

    栾川县高中男生参与课外篮球运动情况的调查与分析 引言由于近年来篮球运动发展迅速,并且国家大力推广“每天锻炼一小时”的身体锻炼理念,越来越多的中学生参与到身体锻炼中来。篮球运动是锻炼身体的最好的集体运动项目之一。在其自身的魅力下,很多中学生乐意参加课外篮球运动。因此,篮球运动成为校园课外体育活动的重要组成部分之一。但是,由于高中学校片面重视升学率等种种方面的原因,忽略了学校课外体育运动这一项,课外篮球运动似乎也没有得到相应的发展。本文通过研究栾川县三所高中男生参与课外篮球运动情况的分析与调查,为该地区高中课外篮球运动的发展提出宝贵的意见与建议。




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