



    Investigation of fitness club membership in City

    Abstract: With the development of society, and gradually increase the level of the national economy, more and more people to a well-off life. According to the survey of the eating habits of many people is not good, regular fish and meat, and the lack of movement in daily life, over time a lot of people are in a State of health. With the decline of physical fitness, people's health needs grow. This enormous growth of the City Health Club, residents who want to spend money on health alternative to the gym. City Health Club fitness items now, treadmills, spinning, aerobics and weights and swimming. Also has taught some members will choose to buy private personal trainer give them a reasonable amount of training program and diet, guiding their training.

    city, based on the understanding of the present situation of fitness club fitness, found a majority of people's health awareness and idea has a lot of limitations, according to survey members of specific situations, so as to provide a reasonable fitness, seeks to improve Member health situation of development strategies. Further improve the coverage of public health knowledge, enlarge the scale of the fitness, reduce sports injuries, understand Members ' fitness needs and motives, seeking more scientific, effective and reasonable methods, so as to promote the national fitness initiative.

    Key words: fitness club members, fitness status, National Fitness

    目    录

    摘要 4

    引言 5

    1.调查对象与方法 6

    1.1调查对象 6

    1.2研究方法 6

    2. 结果与分析 6

    2.1市健身俱乐部健身人员基本情况研究 6

    2.2市健身俱乐部会员健身状况调查分析 8

    2.3市居民选择到健身房健身的影响因素分析 9

    2.4市健身俱乐部会员健身存在的问题 10

    3. 结论与建议 11

    3.1结论 11

    3.2建议 11

    参考文献 12

    附录 13

    致谢 14


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