


    毕业论文关键词:高中生; 体育锻炼; 影响因素

    Summary High school students is the country and each family's hope and future, its growth process is not only about the difference between good physical fitness to inpiduals and families, but also affect the future and the destiny of the country. High school students in an important stage in this stage the body is at an important stage of growth and development, but also the intellectual development at both important, because a lot of high school students arduous task of learning, every day buried bitter school, only attach importance to intellectual development, ignoring the physical exercise, leading to physical decline.

    In this paper, through literature, interviews, survey data, mathematical statistics and logical analysis and other research methods, focus on three high school students in Zhejiang Tiantai questionnaires, which were analyzed. The results showed that factors rooftops of high school students in physical exercise are many, have come from themselves, society, family, school and so on. Current physical fitness and motor skills of high school students there are more serious this problem, you want to change the status quo, it is necessary to establish the guiding ideology of health first, students interested in participating in physical activities and allow them to develop good exercise habits.

    Keywords: high school students; physical activity; influencing factors


    1研究对象与方法                    5

      1.1研究对象                     5

      1.2研究方法                     5

          1.2.1文献资料法                   5

          1.2.2访谈法                    6

          1.2.3调查问卷分                  6

          1.2.4数理统计法                  6

          1.2.5逻辑分析法                  6

    2结果与分析                     6

      2.1浙江省天台县重点高中学生的体育锻炼现状           6

          2.1.1学生体育锻炼认知                6

          2.1.2学生体育锻炼的次数、持续时间、强度          8

          2.1.3学生选择体育锻炼场所,体育锻炼的项目类型        9

          2.1.4学生体育锻炼方法、知识的来源            10

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