


    Abstract: research shows that the rural development and implementation of national fitness path in general effect has made some achievements, but in some links and subtleties are still insufficient, the results of the survey, the author of this paper, put forward specific practical, accord with local effectiveness in huaian advice, to a certain extent, promote the national fitness program outline project carried out smoothly. In this paper, through literature review, survey method, mathematical statistics method and other methods, this paper expounds the huaian rural using status quo of the national fitness path and its influencing factors, and demonstrates the fitness path problems that exist in the using process, it is concluded that the huaian rural the development of national fitness path has made certain achievements, but also need to continue to work hard.

    Keywords: huaian rural areas, the national fitness path, the use of the status quo 

    目    录

    1 前言4

    1.1 选题依据4

    1.2 选题目的及意义4

    2 研究对象与方法4

    2.1 研究对象4

    2.2 研究方法5

    3 分析与讨论6

    3.1 农村全民健身路径安置点选择的基本原则与器械项目的配置6

    3.1.1农村全民健身路径安置点选择的基本原则 6

    3.1.2 淮安市农村全民健身路径器械项目的配置7

    3.2 淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的基本情况7

    3.3 淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的锻炼情况8

    3.3.1淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的锻炼目的 8

    3.3.2淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的锻炼时间 9

    3.3.3淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的锻炼频度 9

    3.4 淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的使用情况9

    3.4.1淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的使用方法 9

    3.4.2淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的使用顺序 10

    3.5 淮安市农村全民健身路径锻炼者的满意度情况10

    3.5.1淮安市农村全民健身路径的器械种类的满意度 10

    3.5.2淮安市农村全民健身路径的器械数量的满意度 11

    3.5.3淮安市农村全民健身路径的场地设施的布局的满意度 11

    3.5.4淮安市农村全民健身路径的场地设施周围的环境满意度 12

    3.5.5淮安市农村全民健身路径的管理与维修的满意度 12

    3.5.6淮安市农村全民健身路径的指导员配置状况的满意度 12

    4 结论与建议14

    4.1 结论14

    4.2 建议15




    1 前言



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