


    Abstract:In order to study the development of sports culture in today's society, it is in order to meet the development needs of national fitness campaign into the community, and its positive effects and impacts arising from the development, grasp the trajectory of the development of community sports fitness sports and cultural needs. In this paper, the use of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and field surveys and other research methods, the status of rural and urban community sports and cultural development Huai'an City conducted a systematic investigation and research, the study found, the development of a comprehensive fitness needs of the community sports culture guidance and support to community sports culture to promote healthy and sustainable development of national fitness campaign, has eternal significance and value. For lack of community cultural construction of sports exist, we also present the corresponding constructive comments. Aims to provide a reference for community sports and cultural management decisions to the relevant authorities when the research community to promote residents' sports a comprehensive, sustained and stable development. In order to further develop and realize the sustainable development of the relevant reference nationwide fitness campaign.

    Key words: Huai'an City, community sports culture, fitness sports, strategy, research

    目  录

    1 前言 4

    2 研究对象与方法 5

    2.1研究对象 5

    2.2研究方法 6

    3 研究结果与分析 6

    3.1社区的体育场地和设施现状调查 6

    3.2社区的体育制度现状调查 6

    3.3社区的体育组织管理体系现状调查 7

    3.4居民的体育认知现状调查 8

    3.5居民的体育消费观现状调查 9

    4 结论与建议 10

    4.1 结论 10

    4.2 建议 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    附录 14

    1 前言


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