
    摘 要:本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、访谈法、逻辑分析法对淮安市初中体育课体操教学现状进行的分析,结果表明:学生对体操的学习兴趣、教学手段、场地器械、师资力量、领导重视程度等主客观因素制约了淮安市初中体育课体操教学的普及,扼制了淮安市初中体育课体操教学质量的提升。在全面调查与分析研究的基础上,本文针对淮安市初中体育课体操教学所存在的问题提出了树立新的教育观与发展观,注重教学方法、手段运用的综合性、合作性,重视学生的主体作用,结合初中体育课的实际情况,加强体操师资队伍建设,加强对初中体育课学生的素质教育,加重体操课教学课时的比重、丰富体操课的内容,营造教学环境,改进教学方法,让学校成为普及推广体操运动基地,树立现代教育教学新理念,培养学生的创新意识,注重因材施教,促进个体性发展等相应的对策,从而为淮安市初中教育课体操教学的普及与质量提升提供参考依据,一定程度上促进淮安市初中体育课体操教学的持续发展。56180

    毕业论文关键词: 淮安市     初中体操课      教学现状

    Abstract: Through literature, analysis of questionnaires , statistics , interviews , logical analysis of the current situation in Huai'an City junior high school physical education teaching gymnastics performed , the results showed that: Gymnastics students ' interest in learning , teaching methods , site equipment, teachers, leaders and other objective and subjective factors restricting the degree of attention the popularity of Huai'an City junior high school physical education teaching gymnastics , curb the Huai'an City junior high school physical education to improve the quality of teaching gymnastics . On the basis of a comprehensive survey and analysis of research, this paper Huai'an City junior high school physical education teaching gymnastics the problems presented to establish a new educational philosophy and concept of development, focusing on teaching methods, means the use of a comprehensive , collaborative , student attention the main role , combined with the actual situation of junior high school physical education , strengthen the construction of gymnastics teachers , middle school physical education students to strengthen the quality of education , increase the proportion of hours of teaching gymnastics , gymnastics lesson content-rich , creating teaching environment, improve teaching methods, so that schools became popularize gymnastics base , establish new concepts of modern education , students sense of innovation , focusing on inpidualized, promote inpiduality development countermeasures , thus providing a reference for the quality and popularity of Huai'an City Gymnastic secondary education to enhance teaching promote the sustainable development of Huai'an City junior high school physical education teaching gymnastics to some extent .

    Keywords :  Huai'an City   Junior Gymnastics  Teaching Status

    目   录

    1 前言  4

    2  研究对象与方法 4

    2.1  研究对象 4

    2.2  研究方法 4

    2.2.1文献资料法 4

    2.2.2 专家访谈法 4

    2.2.3 问卷调查法 4

    2.2.4数据统计法 5

    3    结果与分析  5

    3.1  淮安市初中体育课体操教学时数安排    5

    3.2  淮安市初中体育课体操教学内容安排    5

    3.3  体操器材、场地设施等情况  6

    3.4  中学体育师资队伍现状的分析  7

    3.4.1 体育教师的性别比例不协调   7

    3.4.2 体育教师的年龄结构不合理   7

    3.4.3 体操专业师资缺乏严重,技术水平不足 8

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