



    毕业论文关键词:体育产业;亚运会; 因素分析;影响

     Abstract For the definition of sports industry is still no clear boundaries in the world. The growth rate of China's sports industry has increased from nearly 0.1% growth rate in 2006 to 0.52% in 2014, which marked the development of sports in China is accelerating. According to the data show that the level of Chinese sports industry in some economically developed regions has been close to the level of some of the Western countries’ development in the nineties of last century. This means that in the next few years, China's sports industry development potential is immeasurable. Holding major sports events plays a role in the development of the sports industry which can not be underestimated. Zhejiang, as one of China's economically developed areas, in taking over the Asian Games in 2022, along with opportunities and challenges at the same time.

    Development of sports industry is subject to many influences and constraints. Asian Games will also encourage the introduction of many policies and initiatives. These aspects will affect factors which influence the sports industry changes, resulting in some impact to Zhejiang sports industry. 

    Event is rational to follow. Change complies with the law. First, by the meaning of sports industry,this article try to find out some direct impact factors, through which we can find indirect impact factors. Furthermore, the article establishes a new model in line with it, through which I analyze many other factors of sports industry. In the same time, it emphatically describes how these factors influence the sports industry and the reason why they are impact factors. Then, through concluding and classing these impact factors, the article describes the impact of the Asian Games in Hangzhou to Zhejiang sports industry. In the last, concluding all, the article makes some suggestions in order that Hangzhou can better host the Asian Games.

    Keywords: sports industry; Asian Games; factor analysis;influence.

    目    录

    一.引言 6

    1.1 研究背景及意义 6

    1.2研究目标 6

    1.3研究方法 7


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