
    摘要:随着体育教育的深化改革,大学生的体质问题受到社会越来越广泛的关注。 “高血压,高血脂,高血糖”等疾病的发病平均年龄也逐年降低,在大学生人群 中越来越常见,体质问题变得越来越棘手。众多大学生选择在寝室和教室之间两 点一线的生活,回到寝室就打开电脑,经常一坐就是一天。对大学生的身体造成 了一定的影响。而传统的体质评估多为体育老师进行直观的权重定义,并不具备 科学性。 66335


    《国家学生体质健康标准》,建立了大学生身体素质评估的层次结构,分别用层 次分析法和区间层次分析法进行计算,给出一个相对科学的评判标准。进一步结 合我校学生的体侧数据,从中随机抽取样本,采用上述模型对我校学生的体质状 况作出评估,并给出相应建议。 


    Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Assessment of the College Students’ Physical Condition

    Abstract: With the further revolution to the physical education, college students’ physical condition draws more and more attention from the society. The disease like hypertension, hyperlipoidemia hyperglycemia become more commonly in teenagers, especially in college students. So many students lives just with the classroom and the dormitory, and sitting in front of the computer seems more usually. This causing lots of problems to the college students’ physical condition. Normally, college students’ physical condition was evaluated by the teachers of Physical Education Department, which isn’t scientific.

    This paper combines the evaluation of the teachers with the Analytic Hierarchy Process, and reference the relevant standard published by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China., in order to build a model of college students’ physical condition. Analytic Hierarchy Process and Interval Analytic Hierarchy Process are used to calculate, so that it can conclude the final result more scientifically

    This paper will use the randomly drawing sample form the physical fitness test to conclude the final Assessment of the College Students’ Physical Condition.

    KeyWords: College Students’ Physical Condition;Analytic Hierarchy Process; Weight;Interval Analytic Hierarchy Process


    摘要 1

    Abstract 2

    1. 绪论 4

    1.1 研究背景和研究现状 4

    1.2 研究内容 5

    2. 层次分析法简介 6

    2.1 层次分析法的步骤 6

    2.2 层次分析法的特点 11

    3. 层次分析法在大学生体质评估中的应用 12

    3.1 建立层次结构模型 12

    3.2 两两比较以及判断矩阵 14

    3.3 层次单排序以及一致性检验 15

    3.4 层次总排序以及一致性检验 16

    3.5 在我校学生中的应用 17

    3.6 结果分析 19

    3.7 区间层次分析法 20

    4. 总结 23

    致谢 24

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