


    Abstract: Education is an important means of cultivating high quality talents, plays an increasingly important role in modern society. School education is an important part of basic education, training to adapt to the requirements of the development of the talents, also need to keep pace with the times. The school sports is part of school education, is an important aspect to cultivate all-round development of people. The school sports is through physical activity, enhance physical and mental health of students, master of physical education and health knowledge and skills, cultivate moral character, the process of education in a planned and organized for the purpose of improving the ability of social adaptation. Basketball as one of students' favorite and has the educational value of exercise and good movement, has always been an important part of school physical education. Basketball teaching can play the role of educating people, depending on the basketball teaching effect. In this paper, by means of on-the-spot investigation, literature, mathematical statistics and logical analysis and so on, Qingpu middle school basketball teaching present situation and existing problems are studied systematically. The Qingpu middle school basketball teaching content, teaching facilities and conditions, summed up the existing problems in the development process of basketball teaching, and enrich the teaching contents, optimizing teaching environment and the rational allocation of teacher achievements and puts forward some countermeasures to make basketball teaching in Qingpu and provide a theoretical reference for better development.

    Key words: the teaching of Basketball,Teaching Basketball ,Teaching Basketball School Sports Development

    目  录

    1. 前言 4

    2. 研究对象与研究方法 4

    2.1 研究对象 4

    2.2  研究方法 4

    2.2.1 文献资料法 4

    2.2.2 调查法 4

    2.2.3 访谈法 5

    2.2.4 数理统计法 5

    2.2.5 逻辑分析法 5

    3. 研究结果与分析 5

    3.1目前清浦中学篮球教学现状 5

    3.2  影响清浦中学篮球教学发展的因素

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