


    Abstract: Children are flowers of the motherland, but in the face of exam-oriented education  mode, the parents focus too much on scores, lead to the students' physical health decline gradually, the development of school physical health test through data can make school, parents learn more about the physical development of the students, in order to analyze my internship school grade three to five, the physical health of students, adopt JingXi data in three to five grade students, with 2013 to 2014 a total of 300 students of physical test data for comparison. USES the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, the results show that the yixing JingXi elementary school students body shape development index is on the rise, but higher rates of obesity, especially boys especially obesity, malnutrition rates rose, girls malnutrition rates more than boys. JingXi elementary school sports teaching, or there is a small amount of exercise, physical education class is not enough, the problem such as the teaching content of the single, according to the problems found I put forward the general conclusion 1. Three to five grade students in 2013 compared with 2013 data there is not much difference in height, but is on the increase in weight. 2. As life, improve the nutrition level of increasing the students, students of the increase in weight, but the vital capacity of 2014 students was significantly lower than the 2013 students. 3.2014 years in three to five grade of each index in addition to the inpidual indicators are higher than other students in 2013, so 2014 big recess reform have a certain effect. 


    1.  前言  4

    2.   研究方法与对象 4

    2.1  研究对象5

    2.2  研究方法5

    2.2.1 文献资料法5

    2.2.2  访谈法5

    2.2.3  实地观察5

    2.2.4  数据分析法与对比分析法5

    2.2.5  数理统计法5

    3     国内研究现状5

    4     宜兴市荆溪小学学生体质健康现状 6

    4.1    分析对象的基本情况 7

    4.2   荆溪小学学生身体形态指标分析8

    4.3   荆溪小学学生身体机能指标分析8

    4.4   荆溪小学学生身体素质指标分析8

    5     讨论 9

    6     结论 9

    7     建议  10



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