    QRP Transceiver Of Super Rock Mite
    Abstract:The Super Rock Mite first appeared in the United States, launched by the SWL lab in 2002, and was popular in the United States and introduced to China a few years ago, which was a direct representative of the receiver.This topic is based on "Super Rock Mite" QRP transceiver equipment, drawing the circuit and printed circuit board diagram and carries on the simulation. Expected circuit signal waveform, to choose and buy components, kit welding, through the comparison of all kinds of antenna parameters and functions, select the appropriate antenna. Finally the whole suite of system commissioning and final test. In order to achieve communications of the effect.This design mainly involves to NE602 which is the core of the filter circuit, 9018 chip to compose the transmitter of the oscillation circuit and antenna in three parts, with audio, amplifier and the system of key, in order to achieve the function of wireless data transceiver. The Super Rock Mite has a convenient debugging, Tesco of raw materials, received good effect, can be used in amateur radio communication.
    Key words: Low Power Communication; Super Rock Mite; Antenna
    1 引言    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 课题目的和意义    1
    2 QRP极小功率的无线电通讯    3
    2.1 QRP的理论基础    3
    2.2 QRP的具体操作    3
    3 总体设计方案    5
    3.1无线发射机和接收机原理框图    5
    3.2设计思路    5
    3.2.1 滤波电路    6
    3.2.2 振荡电路    6
    3.2.3 天线    7
    4 电路原理设计及主要元器件选型    8
    4.1 PIC版章鱼和51版章鱼比较    8
    4.2 主要参数及指标    8
    4.3 主要元器件选型及介绍    8
    4.3.1 元件选择    8
    4.3.2 芯片介绍    9
    4.4 按键功能    16
    5 原理图和PCB图设计与制作    17
    5.1 Protel 99SE和Altium Designer比较    17
    5.2电路设计工具Altium Designer13介绍    17
    5.3 原理图绘制    18
    5.3.1 初始化界面    18
    5.3.2 电路原理图的设计    18
    5.4 印刷电路板的设计    23
    5.4.1 PCB编辑器的功能特点    23
    5.4.2 PCB的设计流程    24
    5.4.3 在PCB文件中导入原理图网络表信息    24
    5.5 电路板的布线    26
    5.6 创建PCB元件库及元件封装    27
    6 电路板焊制及天线的选择    31
    6.1电路板焊制    31
    6.1.1 焊接前的准备工作    31
    6.1.2 元器件的识别    32
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