    Intelligent housekeeping robot low-power Wi-Fi data pass-through communication design  
    Abstract:With the rapid development of computer technology and electronic information technology, especially in recent years in promoting the construction of things, smart home and intelligent household more and more people's attention. Based on the analysis of smart home and intelligent household systems research status, trends and research significance, the research group has developed a small mobile robot for household intelligent management - intelligent robot butler. This paper presents a low-power WiFi data communication system design and embedded microcontroller-based operating system for smart robot butler. Its main feature is functional and practical, simple, inexpensive and easy to install. This paper mainly completed the hardware design and software design of intelligent housekeeping robot WiFi communication system and verified by experiments.
    Based on this subject on WIFI module CC3000 STM32, the main research in the smart robot is moved or other actions by WIFI-LAN routing and mobile communications, support mobile video, the main video data is encapsulated by SIP protocol using H.264 encoding technology, and coding transmission, and then based on the serial number of RTP header to sort, the video data is sequentially supplied to the decoder interface decoder completes the decoding of the data, the final play display; direct communication with the cloud server, access to the server command and upload the route pass through WIFI sense data, and operation switches to control home appliances; establish communication with the phone directly through WIFI, meet a robot in the outdoor control without routing requirements;be able to use Smart-Config WIFI network configuration, simple and convenient and approachable; connect via WPS simplified installation and configuration work safety performance wireless LAN, but also to protect the security and stability of data transmission. Another object of the present team on a combination of other team members designed to carry out acoustic avoidance and has indoor positioning technology and sensor technology. Experiments show that the system is stable, meet the design requirements.
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