

    关键词  P2P连接  蜂窝连接  资源干扰管理   发现信号  碰撞解决  资源复用RF蓝图


    Title         Applications of P2P and Relay  In cellular networks                                        

    Abstract Today’s cellular system is a typical centralized client-server based communication network. Any communication taking place has to go through base stations. Devices do not interact directly in any manner with other devices in the network. This type of communication infrastructure is evidently not the most efficient, in terms of delay, system resource usage, power consumption and interference control. Another critical drawback of the traditional cellular infrastructure that limits high data rate, high efficiency communication is the well-known cell edge effect. The advent of self-organizing peer-to-peer (P2P) networks has improved interaction and collaboration among devices. High level analysis results have shown that P2P communications applied to cellular networks is a promising way to increase total network throughput, reduce power consumption, and improve coverage. It is therefore a perfect complement to today’s cellular infrastructure. However, many practical issues of adopting such a communication model have yet to be fully studied. A particular difficulty in applying conventional P2P to cellular networks is that resource and interference control is distributed. Tight interference and QoS (quality of service) control is thus hard to achieve. This presents a serious issue to a cellular network as providing stringent QoS is essential. This paper provides a P2P communication mechanism overlaying today’s cellular networks while satisfying the stringent spectral efficiency and QoS requirements of a cellular system.  

    Keywords  P2P connections, cellular connections, resource and interference control, discovery signal, collision resolution, resource reuse, RF blueprint

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究的背景 1

    1.2 研究的意义 1

    1.3 本文主要研究内容和章节安排 2

    2 传统P2P模型 2

    2.1 P2P (Peer to Peer)的定义及优缺点 2

    2.2 典型的P2P通信方式 3

    2.3 隐藏设备问题

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