

    毕业论文关键词  麦克风阵列   鸟鸣声   数据采集   数据分析


    Title       The collection and analysis of the call of common birds in the campus             

    Abstract Birds’ call studies is an interdisciplinary field of study should not rely solely on the biologists to explore. The object of this papert is to provide observation experience, recording equipment and analytical methods for the study of birds’ call. Microphone arry data acquisition system is a new type of voice pick-up device can be used as intelligent sensor node in the acoustic sensor network, which can be established in the future to realize real-time monitoring of a wider range of areas. In order to make intelligent microphone array node to provide better acoustic recording and  analytical methods, we first need to understand the characteristics of birds’ call. Collecting the call of birds in the campus, analysising the main features of passer montanus’ call and cyanopica cyana’s call, then the time domain features and frequency domain features will be summarized. The call of birds is cutted and classify by features to future explore the different biological significance of birds’ call. According to the results of data analysis, the microphone array acquisition system will be improved, making it more suitable for the collection of birds’ call.We go to Hongshan Zoo to collect data because of the nosiy environment in the campus and the too low  SNR of the collected data.

    Keywords  Microphone arry   Call   Data Collection   Data analysis

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  鸟鸣声研究的意义 1

    1.2  课题研究目的 2

    1.3  论文主要工作 3

    2  鸟鸣声研究的相关理论基础 3

    2.1  鸟类鸣叫机理 3

    2.2  麻雀、灰喜鹊的习性及鸣声特点 4

    3  麻雀、灰喜鹊的鸣声采集 6

    3.1  麦克风阵列采集系统 6

    3.2  鸟鸣声采集过程 8

    3.3  鸟鸣声采集方案 9

    4  麻雀、灰喜鹊鸣声分析 13

    4.1  麻雀、灰喜鹊鸣声的频域分析 13

    4.2  滤波前后鸣声时域波形对比

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