


    毕业论文关键词:非接触生命体征检测 正交接收机、信号分离、LMS、RLS、PCA



    Title  The Algorithmof RLS and LMS-based on non-contact monitoring of vital            signs 

    Abstract   Contactless life signs montior is a instrument that detect the heart and breathing rate of human body in contactless conditions.  It has the advantages that the regular contact monitor do not hanve.it has a very good application prospects in military medicine and clinical medicine.

    The article introduce the system framework of the contactless life signs monitor ,introducing three main parts .they are signal acquisition ,signal reception and signal processing terminal.besides it analysises each part of them.and explainsthe reason that why we choose the orthogonal receiver,because it can invade the null point .and make a detail introduction of it’s principle .besides the article focused on matlab simulation  including breathing and heartbeat modeling, signal separation with LMS or RLS algorithms ,frequency extraction. And the characteristics of each of two algorithms. Finally, using PCA algorithm to make I, Q channel quadrature signal frequency principal component extraction and extraction.

    Key words: non-contact vital signs detectors   signal separation   LMS  RLS  PCA 



    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本文内容安排 2

    2 非接触生命体征监护的系统设计 3

    2.1 系统总体框图 3

    2.2 回波信号处理模型 4

    2.3 回波建模的原理 5

    2.4单通道接收机与正交接收机 6

    2.5  回波信号具体处理过程 8

    3  用滤波器分离呼吸与心跳信号 9

    3.2 滤波器的matlab仿真 9

    3.3 仿真结果分析 12

    4、LMS算法和RLS算法 13

    4.1 自适应滤波器 13

    4.2 自适应滤波算法 13

    4.3  LMS算法 14

    4.31  LMS算法综述 14

    4.32  LMS算法的基本原理[3]

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