


    毕业论文关键词  脉冲压缩  旁瓣抑制  相位编码  FPGA实现


    Title  FPGA-based frequency-domain compression

    Abstract Modern radar pulse compression is widely used as a very effective advanced technology,it can effectively solve the radar range resolution and the contradiction between the average power.Especially in the second phase coded signal has a fuzzy figure approximates thumbtack, and it’s pulse compression is easy to implement, and therefore it is widely used.However, the range side lobe of the phase-coded signal limits the practical application of pulse compression. Therefore, how to better sidelobe suppression distance signal of the phase encoding pulse compression practical application of the key issues.

    This paper describes and analyzes the 1023 m-sequence phase-coded signal pulse compression and sidelobe suppression techniques.First, the basic principles of pulse compression, features and the digital pulse compression are introduced;then introduced the two-phase coding, to its sidelobe suppression the performance indicators and the several common methods carried out introduction; on 1023 m-sequence and frequency-domain pulse sidelobe suppression simulation; a 1023 m-sequence frequency-domain pulse system is designed by FPGA; test results show that the design meet the indicator.

    Keywords   Pulse compression   Sidelobe suppression   Phase-encoded signals  FPGA Implementation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  课题研究现状 1

    1.3  本文内容及章节安排 2

    2  脉冲压缩技术 4

    2.1  脉冲压缩技术简介 4

    2.1.1  脉冲压缩的原理 4

    2.1.2  脉冲压缩的特点 6

    2.2  数字脉冲压缩技术 7

    3  二相编码信号脉压旁瓣抑制方法 9

    3.1  二相编码信号 9

    3.2  旁瓣抑制的性能指标 9

    3.3  二相编码信号的失配滤波设计 10

    3.2.1  线性规划法(LP) 11

    3.2.2  最小均方逆滤波法(LS) 12

    3.2.3  基于凸优化的旁瓣抑制滤波器设计 13

    3.4  本章小结

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