


    毕业论文关键词  故障检测  适配器  FPGA  ARM 


    Title  Fault detection device-specific adapter


    The progress of science made the electronic products of our society became more complex, thus automatic detection system gradually replaces the traditional inspection and maintenance way.The subject is mainly about to design a dedicated adapter hardware circuits based on general detecting platform aim at the fault detection of a radar equipment.

    First, according to the needs of fault detection, the project has made the choice of the overall program of special adapter FPGA+ARM and refines the requirements of the adapter board index; ARM chip AT92SAM9G20 of ATMEL company and FPGA chip EP3SE110 of ALTERA company have been chosen as the main processer to finish the design of adapter circuit diagram; completes  a multi-layer circuit board design and PCB layout at the same time ; then tests the circuit board after processed and equipped, the test results show that the design meets the design requirements.

    Keywords fault detection  adapter  FPGA  ARM

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状 2

    1.3  开发软件介绍 3

    1.4  本文内容及章节安排 3

    2    专用适配器总体设计 3

    2.1  设计思路 3

    2.2  总框架图及设计指标 5

    3    专用适配器的电路设计 6

    3.1  ARM系统电路 6

    3.1.1  ARM的供电电路 7

    3.1.2  时钟电路 9

    3.1.3  复位电路 10

    3.1.4  存储电路 10

    3.1.5  网络接口电路 13

    3.1.6  ARM_DAC 14

    3.2  FPGA系统电路 15

    3.2.1  FPGA供电电路 16

    3.2.2  FPGA的配置电路 18

    3.2.3  存储电路 20

    3.2.3  FPGA时钟电路 21

    3.3  ADC 22

    3.4  DAC 23

    3.5  驱动 24

    3.6  PCB设计 26

    4    系统调试 27

    4.1  测试方案

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