

    (1)应用CATIA和3ds Max三维建模软件分别对P15和F16进行三维几何建模;

    (2)运用已有的算法对应用CATIA和3ds Max创建的球体进行RCS计算,对结果进行对比分析,表明CATIA对相同球面划分的面元数比3ds Max多,即CATIA对目标几何建模的精细度要比3ds Max高。

    毕业论文关键词   3ds Max  CATIA  三维建模软件  近场目标  电磁散射特性  计算  对比研究


    Title  Compare Research of 3D Modeling Software in the Calculation of the Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristic of Radar Fuse Target  


    The calculation of radar fuse target scattering characteristics has direct effect on the efficiency of fuse-warhead coordination which is an important tactical measure. While the radar fuse target is a complicated target, existing body effect and local irradiation, if we want to calculate the RCS precisely we need to have its geometrical details described accurately. The concrete work is as follow:

    (1) Building the model of P15 plane by using CATIA and F16 fighter plane by  using 3ds Max ;

    (2) Use existing algorithm to calculate the RCS of sphere created by using CATIA and 3ds Max. The result shows that the number of facets after the pision of sphere by CATIA is more than that by 3ds Max, namely the fineness of the target geometrical modeling of CATIA is higher than that of 3ds Max.

    Keywords  CATIA  3ds Max  3D modeling software  radar fuse target  RCS  electromagnetic scattering characteristic  calculation  compare research


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题意义及背景 1

    1.2 目标RCS研究现状及其发展 2

    1.2.1 RCS理论分析现状 2

    1.2.2 引信目标RCS研究现状 3

    1.3 三维建模软件概述与分析 3

    1.4 论文主要内容 5

    2 雷达散射截面基础 5

    2.1 RCS定义 5

    2.2雷达目标散射频率分区 6

    2.3 复杂目标高频散射机理 6

    2.5 雷达引信目标的RCS计算 7

    2.6 本章小结 8

    3 雷达引信目标建模方法 8

    3.1 目标建模方法简介 8

    3.2 面元法目标建模 9

    4 软件建模 10

    4.1 CATIA建模 10

    4.2 3ds Max建模 13

    5目标模型RCS计算 17

    5.1 文件格式 17

    5.1.1 STL文件格式 17

    5.2  目标几何数据的提取 18

    5.3  RCS仿真 19

    5.4  对比分析

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