    C 波段收发前端广泛应用于卫星通信,通信距离远、宽频带、信息容量大 、 稳定性好。本文研究的 C 波段上行频率 5.9-6.4GHz ,下行频率 3.7-4.2GHz 。本论文结合工程中的实际项日进行撰写 , 详细分析了收发前端若干关键技术 。本论文运用 ADS 仿真软件实现了收发信机的研制工作。主要内容有:低噪声放大器的设计、滤波器的设计、功率放大器的设计、频率发生器的设计、混频器的设计等。所设计的接收机发射机都是采用两次变频方案,中频 70MHz ,信号带宽10MHz 。接收机噪声系数小于 4dB ,增益大于 80dB 。9721
    关键词 C 波段 收发前端 ADS 仿真ABSTRACT
    Title Title Title Title C-band microwave transceiver front-end broadband
    integrated circuit design
    Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
    Transceiver front-end is the major portion of a communication system, and
    is also an indispensable component for a radar , electronic warfare , some
    a electronic measurement.So the research on transceiver is an important
    area in communications.With the rapid development of electronic
    technology,the requirement for the device size,frequency,coverage,phase
    noise,spurious,dynamic range as well as other specifications is getting
    higher and higher.
    The C-band transceiver front-end is widely applied in satellite
    communication which is one of the most important modern communication
    forms. It has the advantages of far communication distance, wide frequency
    band, large information capacity, high stability and so on.The C-band,
    uplink between 5.9-6.4GHz and downlink between 3.7-4.2GHz.
    This thesis analyses in detail about several key techniques of a
    trans ce iver based on a practical development of transceiver development
    work, This paper uses the ADS simulation software to achieve the
    development work.The main contents are:Low-noise amplifier design, filter
    design,the design of the power amplifier, frequency generator, mixer
    design.The design of the transceiver front-end is based on two frequency
    conversion scheme, IF 70MHz ,signal bandwidth of 10MHz. Receiver noise
    figure of less than 4dB and gain of greater than 80dB.
    Key words C-band Transceiver front-end ADS simulation目 次
    1 课题背景  1
    2 设计总体思路  2
    2.1 系统技术指标  2
    2.2 发射机示意图  2
    2.3 接收机示意图  3
    2.4 收发机整体框图  4
    2. 5 超外差接收机  4
    2.6 发射机与接收机二次变频方案  6
    3 各个关键部件的设计  7
    3.1 低噪声放大器设计  7
    3.2 带通滤波器设计  12
    3.3 频率合成器设计  18
    3.4 混频器设计  23
    3.5 功率放大器设计  28
    3.6 双工器设计  3 2
    4 收发前端的实现和 仿真 验证  3 4
    4.1 发射前端设计电路和仿真  3 4
    4.2 接收前端设计电路和仿真  3 9
    结论  4 2
    致谢  4 2
    参考文献  4 31 1 1 1 课题背景 课题背景 课题背景 课题背景
    在现代 雷 达系统结构中 , 收发 前端 组件是非常 重 要的组成部分 , 包括发射 前端 和
    接收 前端 两部分 , 其性能的好坏直接影响整个雷达的性能 。 发射 前端 是将基带信号 ( 本
    课题为 70MHz ) 通过上变频、功 率 放大转换成能在信道上传输的 微波 信号
    ( 5.9-6.4GHz ) ,通过天线以电磁波的形式向空 间 辐射 ; 接收 前端 的作用是进行与发
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