
    14. 《Robust multimachine power systems control via high order sliding modes》

    We design a high order sliding modes control for multimachine power systems. We propose terminal voltage regulation by a super twisting controller.Super twisting technique is applied to speed stabilization in each generator. We show the advantages of nonlinear sliding modes control with other controllers. Simulations under typical disturbances show the designed controller robustness. This article presents a formal study of the transient stabilization problem, including a stability proof. A decentralized nonlinear robust control scheme for multimachine electrical power systems is presented. The mathematical model takes into account the interconnections between electrical elements of the power system such as generators, electric networks, loads and exciters. Each generator is considered as a seventh order system that includes the mechanical and rotor electrical dynamics with static exciter dynamics. The proposed control scheme is based on the Block Control methodology and Second Order Sliding Modes technique using the Super Twisting algorithm. A nonlinear observer is designed to estimate the rotor fluxes of the synchronous machines. The designed decentralized control scheme requires the only local information for each local controller. This control scheme was tested through simulation on the well known reduced 9 buses equivalent model of the WSCC system.



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