


    Abstract:After the Battle of Shanghai, the Japanese Navy Air Force did indiscriminate bombing to Nanjing, violating the international law ruthlessly. During this period, the Japanese troops made many changes in the strategy of their air raid. At the beginning, due to underestimation of the strong determination of Chinese Air Force against the Japanese troops along with the air defense facilities in Nanjing, they suffered heavy losses. Afterwards they altered the strategy from low altitude strafe in the daytime into aerial bombing at night, which marked the beginning of their indiscriminate bombing. After their terrestrial airport was established, the Japanese Navy Air Force took action frequently in large group, using the day and night bombing strategy incentively to control the air territory, and during this time, it was mainly a larger indiscriminate bombing. After obtaining air territory, in order to assist the land force to get the capture of Nanjing, the air strike strategies of the Japanese Navy Air showed more arbitrariness, laying the emphasis on the bombing of transportation lines and tools. Although why Japanese air raid change a lot and their manifestations were different, the purpose was to destroy the power of Kuomintang government and the will of Chinese people and could therefor win a quick battle.

    Keywords: beginning period of Sino-Japanese War, Navy Air Force air ,strikes, Nanjing, strategy.

    目  录

    前言 4

    一、抗战初期日军空袭南京背景 6

    二、日机空袭南京战略之嬗变 7

    (一)夜间高空轰炸——无差别轰炸序幕 7

    1、白昼低空轰炸转变为夜间高空轰炸 7

    2、空袭性质:违反国际法的无差别轰炸行为 9

    3、第一时期停止空袭原因 11

    (二)昼夜密集轰炸——大规模的无差别轰炸 12

    1、密集轰炸,夺取制空权 12

    2、更大规模的无差别轰炸 14

    3、终止空袭南京原因 15

    (三)协助陆军攻略南京——消磨战术的实施 16

    1、消磨战术的实施 16

    2、对于交通运输设施的无差别轰炸 16

    3、任意轰炸的最终确认 17

    结语 19

    参考文献 20

    致谢 21




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