    毕业论文关键词  Shart-Hartmann波前传感器 非零位检测 动态范围 灵敏度Zemax仿真 非球面
    Title      The Shark-Hartmann Detection Method Of Aspheric Optical Element                     
    In traditional optical system,spherical optical element is often used to correct
    the aberration so as to realize the design requirements of the optical system,but there is still exist some disadvantages using spherical optical elements.By contrast,the advantages of using aspheric optical elements in optical systems is more obvious,using aspheric optical elements in optical systems not only can improve the aberration correction ability of the optical system,but also can reduce the size of the optical system.Therefore,the application field of aspherical optical elements is becoming more and more widely.At the same time,high precision aspheric surface need the matching testing equipment and methods.Shark-Hartmann wavefront sensor due to its high measuring accuracy and large dynamic range is widely used in all areas of optics.It's advantage is that the measured wavefront don't need to be compensated,thus,reduces the hardware requirements of detection system,make the testing and operation process more convenient.The paper mainly studied Shark-Hartmann wavefront sensor non null testing off-axis aspherical surface on axis and subsequent spot centroid calculation and error analysis,and light path are simulated by Zemax.
    Keywords  Shark-Hartmann wavefront sensor  dynamic range  sensitivity  non-null
              testing  Zemax simulation  aspheric surface
     目   次
    中文摘要    0
    外文摘要    0
    目   次    0
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究目的及意义    1
    1.2  常用的非球面镜检测方法    1
    1.3  Shark-Hartmann波前传感器的发展现状以及发展前景    4
    1.4  主要研究内容以及结构安排    5
    2  夏克-哈特曼波前传感器的基本原理    6
    2.1  夏克-哈特曼法的检测原理    6
    2.2  光斑阵列质心的探测    7
    2.3  光斑质心偏差计算    8
    2.4  波前的Zernike模式描述    9
    3  夏克-哈特曼法非零位检测旋转对称非球面    10
    3.1  夏克-哈特曼波前传感器的动态范围与灵敏度    10
    3.2  非零位检测旋转对称非球面的方案和步骤    11
    3.3  检测装置的设计    12
    4  Zemax光路仿真    13
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