




    Research on Dust Explosion Characteristics of graphite powder

    Abstract:Along with the development of industry in our country, the dust explosion accidents occur repeatedly and cause a huge wastage to people's lives and property.So the dust explosion research can provides the basis for the prevention of dust explosion accidents, it also can effectively reduce the probability and severity of dust explosion accidents. This paper regarded graphite powder as the research object,it summaries the dust explosion research status at home and abroad, and expounds the principle of dust explosion.At the same time, with reference to the relevant national standards and related literature, ignition temperature of dust cloud determination device, 1.2 L, 20 L hartmann tube test system and explosion device. Such as control and data acquisition system have graphite powder dust explosion parameters, the minimum ignition temperature of dust layer graphite powder 220 ℃, graphite powder dust cloud minimum ignition energy should be 9 mj, graphite powder dust cloud minimum ignition temperature of 520 ℃, the maximum explosion pressure of toner dust cloud and explosion index of 0.7723MPa and 27.3098MPa*m/s respectively, the maximum explosion pressure and the index in 500g/m3 reached the maximum concentration;Toner concentration of dust clouds explosion limit of 40 < LEL < 50.

        Through the analysis of experimental data and the dust explosion blast explosion suppression measures, rescue attention problems and put forward the corresponding enterprise daily management of security countermeasures,and provides a scientific basis for research and development the corresponding equipment facilities.

    KeyWords:dust explosion;graphite powder;Dust Explosion Characteristics;anti-explosion and suppressing explosion

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  粉尘爆炸国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1  粉尘爆炸的机理研究 2

    1.2.2  粉尘爆炸的应用技术 3

    1.3  实验仪器与研究内容 4

    2 粉尘火灾爆炸的介绍 5

    2.1粉尘爆炸条件 5

    2.2粉尘爆炸机理 5

    2.2.1气相着火理论 5


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