

    毕业论文关键词:显微干涉测量  Mirau  表面形貌测量 结构改造


    Title       Interference microscope objective      alignment technology research         

    Abstract With ultra-fine detection technology has been widespread attention around the world and widely used, white light interference microscopy techniques to become super-fine detection technology is an important tool. The research subjects were white light interference microscopy in the core of the interference microscope objective. This paper introduces three types of interference microscope objective which are the most widely used in the world: Michelson type, Mirau type and Linnik type. And we proposed the specific design to transformed the ordinary microscope objective into interference microscope objective. At last, we test the improved Mirau interferometer microscope objective through the VEECO interferometer and ZYGO profilometer to test the roughness, parallel degree of the surface plate and the reference plate. We want to proof if the new Mirau interferometer microscope objective can meet the requirements of white light interference.

    Kayword :  Microinterferometer  Mirau  Surface topography measurement Structural transformation

    目 录

    1绪论 2

    1.1本文的研究背景和意义 2

    1.2干涉显微镜的发展现状 2

    1.3本文的主要内容 3

    2干涉显微原理 4

    2.1白光干涉显微原理 4

    2.2 Michelson干涉显微镜 5

    2.3 Mirau干涉显微镜 6

    2.4 Linnik干涉显微镜 6

    3 干涉显微物镜的改造 7

    3.1 Mirchelson型干涉显微物镜的改造 7

    3.1.1套筒结构 8

    3.1.2连接件 10

    3.1.3压圈及光学元件 11

    3.1.4装配及调整 12

    3 .2Mirau型干涉显微物镜的改造 13

    3.2.1第一套筒结构 13

    3.2.2 第二套同结构 15

    3.2.3 压圈及光学元件 16

    3.3 装配加工 17

    4 Mirau型干涉显微物镜装调与测试 17

    4.1 分光平板与参考平板面型测量 18

    4.2 分光平板与参考平板表面粗糙度测量 19

    4.3 两平板平行程度与参考光路聚焦调节

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