    摘 要:近几年,影视剧植入式广告因其自身的优势,被各大媒体和广告主使用,同时因植入的效果优胜于硬广告,成为学者和研究者讨论的焦点。但大多数仅停留在现状分析和法律法规的制约之上,未从植入式广告扬长避短并引导其健康发展进行研究。韩剧植入式广告虽说发展不久,规模不大,但短时期内带来的广告效果却不得不让人深思。本文将以热播剧《继承者们》为研究对象,首先以韩国的广告环境出发,从宏、微观角度分析良好广告环境对植入式广告的影响;进而着重分析植入式广告在影视剧中的具体运用以及在传播过程中如何整合营销;最后在分析成功原因的基础之上,稍点其存在的不足和发展建议,为人们认识植入式广告以及更好的发展提供可借鉴意义。24949
    毕业论文关键词:广告环境 ; 韩剧 ; 植入式广告
     The ways for Korean product placement to success—teke the analysis of the series Heirs as an example
        Abstract:In recent years,product placement in movies and television becomes the focus discussion of scholars and researchers because it is used widely by major media and advertiser and the effect of this way is better than that of direct advertising.However ,most of the studies only stay on the analysis of the status quo and the restrictions of laws and regulations,and they haven’t studied it from the aspects of fostering its strengths and circumventing its weaknesses so as to guide the healthy development of it .Although the development of Korean product placement is not long and the scale is not big,the effect of it after a short term calls for a deep thought.This artcle will take the popular series Heirs as the study object.Firstly,starting from Korean advertising environment,the article will analyze the impacts of good advertising environment on product placement from the aspects of macro and macro.Then,it will mainly focus on the analysis marketing in the process of spreading.Finally,based on analysis of the reasongs of its success,it point out the deficiency and offers some development advice for people to understand it thus providing significant on its better development.
        Key Words:  Advertising environment; Korean ;Product placement
    目    录

    摘    要    1
    Abstract.    1
    一、韩国广告环境对影视剧植入式广告的积极影响    2
    (一)KOBACO模式:文护了电视广告的市场环境    2
    (二)“文化立国”国策:创造稳定的政策法规环境    3
    (三)韩剧风靡亚洲带动植入式广告的发展    4
    二、影视剧植入式广告在《继承者们》中的巧妙运用    4
    (一)市场定位:广告目标和影视剧群体相重合    5
    (二)广告创意:以诱导型消费文化促进广告植入    6
    (三)植入方法:以推出某种行业为主要目标    6
    三、 整合营销传播对《继承者们》植入式广告价值的延伸    7
    (一)产品策略:衍生综合品的开发和推广    8
    (二)广告策略:占有面的扩大对广告价值的增强    8
    四、韩国影视剧植入式广告存在的不足和发展建议    9
    (一) 视觉美感追求下广告植入意图易显    9
     (二)剧情模式化对品牌个性和活力的消解    10
     (三)对完善韩剧广告植入发展的建议    10
    参考文献    12
  1. 上一篇:论地方民生新闻《都市一时间》的生命力
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