Practical Path from the media age local governments to enhance the credibility of the study
Abstract Since the era of instant media, open social platform, so that each user can become information providers and those of the audience, the right to speak of change will inevitably lead to a huge impact on the top-down, top-level integration of traditional media, the level of information centralized control ability is weakened. The local government the right to speak in today's decentralized, public opinion in the face of network events and public crisis, not very understanding of the new media make it still follow the "blocking", "cover" in order for the emergency cooling, this is not only with the current requirements of the local government and the pro-fast processing of incompatible standards, so that the local government has accumulated more positive image and credibility hit bottom. Therefore, clarifying the law of the dissemination of information from the media; e-government and local governments to improve government information disclosure level; pay attention to the reasonable demands of the people, and effectively protect the public's right to know, supervise, it is the only way to enhance the credibility of the local government.
Key Words: Local governments; credibility; from the media; public opinion guidance; e-government
目 录
一、自媒体的传播特点-- 1
自媒体(We Media),也称个人媒体或者公民媒体,美国的谢因波曼与克里斯威理斯两位学者于2003年的研究报告中给We Media下了严谨的定义:“We Media是普通大众经由数字科技强化、与全球知识体系相连之后,一种开始理解普通大众如何提供与分享他们自身的事实、新闻的途径。”[1]简而言之,即大众用来发布自身当下所见所闻的互联网社交平台载体,如微博、百度贴吧等。
中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)于2015年12月发布了第37次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》,报告显示,我国网民达到6.88亿人次,其中手机网民数量占据总量的百分之九十,由此可见大众的上网设备正在向手机终端倾斜。[2]即时、便捷的自媒体平台和类别众多的流媒体(Streaming Media)使得我们进入了新媒介化社会,微博、微信公众号和百度贴吧等社交平台,在自媒体时代爆发了巨大的变革能量,成为了网络用户和普罗大众获取前沿消息的首选。即时、交互和开放的新媒体改变了传统新闻热点的形成模式和传播机制,信息集成能力和舆论引导能力开始向公众倾斜。但是与之对应的是,地方政府在面对如天津8.12特大火灾爆炸事故和山东平邑强制拆迁事件等重大公共突发性事件时,应急处置和舆情应对显得迟缓且狼狈,自媒体时代的话语权变革和公众对事实和公平的渴望,让地方政府公信力的维护和提升面临着诸多挑战。