All media era of new features of the news reports - reports exploded in tianjin binhai new area as an example
Abstract: With the continuous development of network technology, in the communication field has undergone tremendous change. The sudden emergence of new media, many of the traditional media have embarked on a transformation of the way. With media convergence trend is more obvious, the whole media era has come. Unlike the previous, full-media era news reports showing new features to master these features is very important. Full media environment, news reports are communicators and communicators identity exchange more convenient, the media should pay more attention to messages from the public. First-hand information on many events not from the professional media reporters, but witnesses of the incident, witnesses. And in the whole media environment, everyone can sound in public. Especially on some unexpected events, audience feedback tend to be more timely and accurate. In view of this, the content of this paper to analyze the whole media age, combined with reports of an explosion Tianjin Binhai New Area, summed up the characteristics of new media era news coverage of the whole, and make recommendations.
Keywords: all media; news reports; Binhai New explosion; interactive; New Features
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、 全媒体时代的特点与媒体架构 2
(一)全媒体时代的特点 2
(二)全媒体时代的媒体架构 2
二、全媒体新闻报道概述 2
(一)全媒体新闻报道的载体 2
(二)全媒体新闻报道产生的背景 3
(三)全媒体新闻报道的流程 3
(四)全媒体时代和全媒体报道之间的关系 4
三、天津滨海新区爆炸报道分析 4
(一)报道情况概述 4
(二)报道方式分析 4
(三)报道角度汇总 5
四、全媒体时代新闻报道的新特点 6
(一)编辑全程参与把控 6
(二)报道内容全面,多角度呈现 6
(三)传统媒体与新媒体“联姻” 7
(四)受众实时反馈,互动性增强 8