    摘  要:为了应对激烈的竞争,各电视媒体曾一度开创了一些电视新闻故事化类栏目,但不少栏目都是昙花一现,只有少数栏目凭借其自身的优势发展至今。《传奇故事》栏目以它独特的发展策略,成为了电视新闻故事化类栏目中的佼佼者。因此,本论文将以《传奇故事》为研究对象,首先,在概述电视新闻故事化的同时,介绍了《传奇故事》栏目;其次,分析电视新闻故事化的优势,即新闻的素材贴近百姓生活、多用悬念激发受众的收视欲、口语化的讲述方式和独特的主持风格;再次,探究电视新闻故事化现象所存在的问题,即重故事性轻时效性、部分新闻将题目故弄玄虚、追求故事的完整性忽略简洁性;最后,针对该问题提出应对策略,即慎选新闻素材、严格遵循新闻规律、做有品位的新闻等。关键字:新闻故事化;电视新闻;《传奇故事》8046

    Through Study on “Legend” TV News Story Phenomenon
    Abstract: In order to cope with fierce competition, the television media, once created some TV news story class columns, but many programs are a flash in the pan, so far only a few columns with the advantages of its own development. “Legend” with its unique development strategies, has become a television news stories in class column. Therefore, this thesis will take the "legend" as the research object. First of all, TV news stories are summarized, and introduce “legend” column. Secondly by analyzing the predominance of TV news stories, news material close to the life of the people, multi-purpose suspense inspire viewers, colloquial way and unique style of hosting. Once again explore the existing problems in the TV news story phenomenon, namely heavy light timeliness, part of the news story will puzzle title, the pursuit of the integrity of the story to ignore simplicity. Finally put forward the coping strategies for the problem, that is, choose news material, strictly follow the rules of news, do the news that has grade, and the pursuit of simplicity of news writing, etc.
    Key words: news stories of; television news; “legend”
    目        录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、电视新闻故事化概述    2
    二、从《传奇故事》看电视新闻故事化现象的优势    3
    (一)新闻素材的选取贴近百姓生活    3
    (二)多用悬念激发受众的收视欲    4
    (三)口语化的讲述方式    5
    (四)独特的主持风格    6
    三、从《传奇故事》看电视新闻故事化存在的问题    7
    (一)重故事性轻时效性    7
    (二)部分新闻标题故弄玄虚    8
    (三)忽视新闻内容的简洁性    9
    四、电视新闻故事化类栏目的发展策略    10
    (一)慎选新闻题材    11
    (二)严格遵循新闻规律    12
    (三)提升新闻的品    13
    参考文献    14
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