    Discuss the medium' s  absence responsibility in disaster resorting ——Take the Ya'an earthquake as an example
        Abstract:The Chinese medium has make progress on catastrophes news broadcast when experienced Wen chuan , Yu shu and other catastrophes , however there also have some disparities . This thesis takes the Ya' an earthquake as an example , not only by analysing the example of absence of responsibility in medium reporting like false news appearence , deviate report's direction , absence ration reporting.  But state the reason of those behaviours produce medium's lack of responsibility , like using information from uncertain source , pursing hot topic to attract audiences' sight and medium has overnoticed to disaster reporting . By proposing advice and solutions like doing on- the - spot report deeply , controlling report's quality , balancing every aspect influence , displaying human feeling and restoring the reality of disaster , and summarize experience and lessons to make the medium bear their real responsibility in catastrophes reporting .
         Key Words: The disaster report; Media responsibility; lack; Ya'an earthquake
    目  录

    摘   要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、灾难性新闻报道中媒体责任缺失的表现    2
    (一)虚假新闻出现    2
    (二)报道方向偏离    2
       (三)缺乏理性报道    3
    二、灾难性新闻报道中媒体责任缺失的原因    4
    (一)使用无可靠来源的信息    4
    (二)追求轰动效果    4
    (三)对地震灾难反应过度    6
    三、如何避免灾难性新闻报道中媒体责任的缺失    6
    (一)发出主流声音,深入实地采访报道    6
    (二)彰显人文情怀,还原灾难真实情况    7
    (三)掌控报道度量,平衡各方面的影响    8
    参考文献    10,4133
        “新闻的生命是真实,是新闻从业人员的职业道德底线,假新闻的泛滥,误导社会舆论,干扰社会正常的经济生活,严重损害了媒体的公信力”。 当灾难发生时,灾区的同胞状况。无时无刻牵挂在每个华夏儿女的心里,广大受众希望得到更多关于灾区信息,并及时伸出自己的援助之手,解灾区同胞所急。然而部分媒体却没有担当起自身社会信息传播者的责任,反而做报道出违背新闻的职业道德的虚假报道。
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