
    摘要:近几年真人秀节目在全世界范围内发展迅猛,已然成为拥有观众最多、媒体关注度最高的节目类型。真人秀节目虽然起源于欧美国家,韩国近几年可谓是异军突起,自从1998年,国家提出了以文化作为立国之本的战略之后,作为文化产业一个重要部分的真人秀节目得到大力发展,韩国以它自己独有的魅力征服了整个亚洲乃至全世界,成为了新的真人秀节目的生力军。 真人秀虽然并不是近年来的发明,但却是近年来才蔚为大观的一种电视节目形态。无论是从节目的数量或者是节目的观众收视反映来看,它都已经成为了电视节目的一种主流形态。同时,真人秀的节目理念还为许多其它节目形态带来了新的电视元素和电视技巧,目前电视上频繁出现的各种选秀节目、益智节目、竞技节目、大奖赛等等,实际上也都在借鉴真人秀的手法、技巧和意识。从这个意义上说,一个泛真人秀的电视时代似乎正在来临。本文以中国的《奔跑吧 兄弟》和韩国的《running man》来对比,分析出我国真人秀节目存在的问题及借鉴韩国的策略。66044

    毕业论文关键词:真人秀 发展状况  策略 

    Abstract: in recent years,the rapid development of reality show in the world, has become the most media attention, the audience has the highest degree of program type. Although the show originated in Europe and the United States, South Korea in recent years is since 1998, the national A new force suddenly rises., put forward to culture as the foundation of our country's strategy, vigorously develop the cultural industry as an important part of the reality show, South Korea in its own unique charm conquered the whole of Asia and the world, become a force in the new reality show. The reality though not in recent years the invention, but it is only in recent years a TV program form present a splendid sight. Whether it is from the program or the number of audience is the program's opinion, it has become a mainstream form of TV programs. At the same time, reality show concept for many other programs and bring new elements and TV TV techniques, currently appeared frequently on TV shows, a variety of educational programs, sports programs, Grand Prix and so on, actually also in reference to reality techniques, skills and awareness. In this sense, a pan reality TV era seems to be coming. This paper compared with the "Chinese brothers run it" and South Korea "running man", analyzed the problems of China's reality show the problems and the experience of South Korea's strategy.

    Key words: strategy development of reality show type

    目  录

    一、引言  4



    (二)真人秀节目的发展简史  5

    三、真人秀节目的发展现状  6



    四、《奔跑吧兄弟》和《Runing man》节目比较分析8

    (一)《奔跑吧兄弟》和《Runing man》拍摄地点的不同8

    (二)《奔跑吧兄弟》和《Runing man》艺人的区别9



         1.同质化现象依然存在 8

         2.真人秀节目似真是假 8

    (二)中国借鉴韩国真人秀节目的策略  8

         1.打造中国特色,形成差异的格局 8

             2.注重文化宣传,提高节目层次 9

    结  语 10

    参 考 文 献  11

    致 谢  12

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