
    摘  要:央视纪录片《茶,一片树叶的故事》在播出后在社会上引起很大的轰动,引起了一阵对茶文化的探讨风潮。这部纪录片以茶文化为主题,展示了茶文化对于整个世界的改变与影响,充斥着浓厚的人文zhuyi精神,观看后能引起很多人对生活的深思。本文主要研究该纪录片人文zhuyi精神的呈现,并分别从选题、结构和制作等三个方面展开分析,认为,选题上的平民化表明制作方以平民视角传递人文关怀;结构上的故事化特点反映制作方以故事来解构人生的沉思;拍摄手法上的仪式化透露出制作方透过细节传达对自然、对生活的感恩与思考。中国的茶文化与世界的茶文化,两者之间相互影响,从中国茶文化透视世界茶文化,了解世界各国人民的价值理念;在世界框架下研究中国茶文化乃至中国人的人生观、世界观,这对于我们推动当代中国文化的发展有很深的参考价值。66757

    毕业论文关 键 词:人文zhuyi ,仪式化 ,故事化 ,《茶,一片树叶的故事》 

    Abstract: The broadcast of the CCTV documentary tea, a leaf' story has caused a great stir in the community, causing the wave of exploring the tea culture. The documentary’s theme is the tea culture and shows the change and influence of tea culture for the whole world. It relates to the current people's lives closely. The biggest feature is a deep sense of the spirit of humanism. After watching the program, it can let a lot of people ponder on lives. The topic of this article is the documentary’s spirit of humanism, analyzed from the three aspects of the topic, structure and manufacturing.The documentary’s topic choosing highlights the feature of the civilian, transferring the humane care. In the structure, it highlights the characteristics of the story, using stories to demonstrate the thinking of life. In the manufacturing, it highlights the feature of being ritualized. The picture makes details outstanding and conveys the gratitude and reflections on the nature and life. Chinese tea culture and tea culture in the world, and interaction between the two, from the perspective of Chinese tea culture and the culture of the world tea, understands the values of the people in the world; the research of Chinese tea culture and Chinese outlook on life and the world outlook is in the world’s framework, and has a deep reference value for us to promote the development of contemporary Chinese culture.

    Keywords: Humanism   ritualized  story  tea, a leaf Story

    目 录

    引言 5

    1研究意义 6

    2文献综述 7

    3相关概念的界定 8

    3.1 人文zhuyi 8

    3.2 《茶,一片树叶的故事》 8

    4 《茶,一片树叶的故事》人文zhuyi的呈现 9

    4.1 选题:以平民视角传递人文关怀 9

    4.1.1关注与百姓息息相关的东西 9

    4.1.2 撷取不经雕琢的生活原生态画面 10

    4.2  结构:用故事展示对人生的思考 11

    4.2.1故事化的叙事手段 12

    4.2.2 层层推进、由浅入深 13

    4.3  拍摄手法:透过画面传达对自然、对生活的感恩与思考 14

    4.3.1 “仪式化”的展现方式 14

    4.3.2 突出细节

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