

    毕业论文关键词  网络媒体 突发公共事件 舆论引导

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The guidance of public opinion  in public emergency of online media                  

    Abstract Since the micro-blog began popular in 2010 quietly, the network has become a new cosset. It is a free area that little people Check the correction of information, which makes some problems when online media guide the public opinion in public emergency. That is the need for us to study how the online media guide the public opinion in public emergency. At the same time, there are a lot of wrong cases of online media’s guidance of public opinion in public emergency, those cases require us to analyse the problems of online media’s guidance of public opinion in public emergency in recent years. We can see that online media are taking a more important role in the guidance of public opinion in public emergency. In some unique events, online media can guide the development or even influence the very nature of those events. On that cases, if we enhance the online media’s guidance of public opinion in public emergency, at the same time, strengthen the control of related area, a good thing we can do for the social harmony, The image of the government and online media’s self-development. 

    Keywords Online Media  public emergency  The guidance of public opinion

    目   次 

    引言  1

    1  突发公共事件与网络舆论及舆论引导 1

    1.1 突发公共事件的概念与特点 1

    1.1. 1  突发公共事件的概念 1

    1.1.2  突发公共事件的特点 2

    1.2  突发公共事件的网络舆论含义 2

    1.3  突发公共事件的网络舆论的特点 2

    1.3.1  “连带”效应 2

    1.3.2  短期内爆发,短期内消散 3

    1.3.3  谣言在网络上迅速蔓延 3

    1.3.4  舆论的变化趋势明显 4

    1.3.5 “沉默的螺旋”效应与“群体极化”效应并存 4

    2  网络媒体对突发公共事件进行舆论引导的必要性 5

    2.1 网络媒体对突发公共事件进行舆论引导的正当性 5

    2.2 网络媒体对突发公共事件进行舆论引导的必要性 6

    2.2.1  网民主体低龄化决定网络媒体对突发公共事件进行舆论引导必要性 6

    2.2.2  网络媒体自身特点要求在公共突发事件中需要对网络舆论进行引导 6

    3  网络媒体在对突发公共事件舆论引导中存在的问题 6

    3.1  重“堵”轻“疏”无法解决实际问题 7

    3.2  重“行政手段”轻“媒体手段” 7

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