
    摘 要:随着社会日新月异的改变,科技与互联网的快速繁荣,网民人数也在不断扩大,基于互联网信息的快速传递以及最大范围的覆盖率,越来越多的产品营销都趋向于利用互联网。2015暑期档中国动画长篇电影《大圣归来》也凭借其成功的互联网营销策略,逆袭成功,登顶中国动画电影票房总冠军,揭示着历史性的一刻,其成功的营销策略打开了中国长篇动画电影新的历史篇章。一方面,《大圣归来》利用“西游记”这个大IP,很好地进行了延伸,并通过明星大腕的微博点映活动,吸引众多成人受众。另一方面,一系列新闻热点头条制造的“自来水”的口碑传播,再一次推动了票房逆袭。本文以《大圣归来》为例,通过从受众定位、营销成本、营销手段和营销压力四个方面,研究分析《大圣归来》的营销策略,探讨互联网时代下的中国长篇动画电影的未来之路。70258


    Abstract: With the rapid social change, rapid prosperity of technology and the Internet, the number of Internet users is also expanding.Based on the rapid transmission of information as well as the widest range of coverage of the Internet, more and more products marketing tend to use the Internet.2015 summer profile Chinese animated feature film "Monkey King: Hero Is Back" reaches the Chinese animated film box office champion, revealing a historic moment of  Chinese animated film by its successful Internet marketing strategy.Its successful marketing strategy also opens Chinese animated film a new chapter of history.On the one hand, "Monkey King: Hero Is Back" uses "Journey to the West" this big IP to extend well and attracts many adult audience through celebrities Weibo point mapping activities ,On the other hand, "running water"  word-of-mouth spread resulting from a series of hot news headlines once again pushes the box office counter-attack.This paper, based on the "king return" as an example, researches "Return of the King" marketing strategy and discusses the future of China-length animated films in the Internet era from the audience by targeting, marketing costs, marketing tools and marketing pressure on four aspects .

    Keywords: Monkey King: Hero Is Back,Crowdfunding,Running water,Marketing

    目   录

    一、引言 3

    二、文献综述 4

    (一)关于目前国内成人动画群体的研究 4

    (二)以往中国长篇动画电影营销现状 4

    (三)《大圣归来》营销亮点 5

    三、研究问题 5

    四、研究方法 6

    (一) 一切营销成功的基准都来自于精确的受众群体定位 6

    (二)影视众筹的魅力:有效解决营销成本 6

    (三)营销手段与时俱进:借助互联网,却又方式迥异地利用新媒体平台打造“自来水”营销神话 7

    (四)营销压力:“西游记”大IP的延伸实现海内外共赢 11

    六、未来国产长篇动画电影的出路 11

    (一)作品本身优质的卖点、质量是关键 11

    (二)突破传统长篇动画电影的受众定位 11


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