    From the "Big V" Captured Events to See the Problems Existing in Netizen’s Media Literacy
    Abstract: Since August 2013, there was a special campaign carried out across the country to crack down on the organized illegal and criminal behaviors on the internet, such as making up or spreading a rumor. During this campaign, many illegal network "Big V" users were captured such as Yang Xiuyu, Zhou Lubao, Liu Hu, Xue Biqun, Dong Liangjie and so on. A series of "Big V" arrested events sparked a heated discussion on the internet. It exposes that there are many problems existing in netizen’s media literacy. The netizen don't dare to use the internet to express their views, then they waste the discourse power in their hand. Their comments are irrational. They don't identify information, then make their comments blindly and casually. Because of lacking of the law consciousness, so they can’t regard problems from the height of the law. Aiming at these problems that existing in netizen’s media literacy, this paper suggests to take some measures to develop the media literacy of netizen. Firstly, the government should encourage the netizen to use media to make comment. At the same time, we can invite experts to guide the netizen to treat problems in a rational way. We can use media to publicize the technique of identifying information, too. Finally, we should strengthen the netizen’s internet moral and self-discipline, and enhance their legal awareness.
    Key Words: "Big V" captured events; Netizen; Media literacy
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、“大V”被抓事件及网民反应    3
    (一)“大V”被抓事件简介    3
    (二)网民对于“大V”被抓事件的反应    4
    二、“大V”被抓事件后网民媒介素养不足的表现    5
    (一)不敢运用媒介发声    5
    (二)评论内容缺乏理性    6
    (三)不注意甄别信息    7
    (四)网络伦理道德缺失    7
    (五)法律意识淡薄    8
    三、提升网民媒介素养的策略    10
    (一)要主动运用媒介发声    10
    (二)要理性看待问题    11
    (三)要掌握甄别信息的技巧    11
    (四)要加强网络道德自律    12
    (五)要增强法律意识    13
    参考文献    14
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