关键词 混搭 文化混搭 大众传媒
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Cultural Mix&Match and Mass Media
Mix&Match referred to a term reserved for the use in the field of fashion. With the development of mass media, mix&match has spread from the circle of fashion to all walks of life, becoming an attractive cultural phenomenon. The way of expressing culture mix&match is perse and complex, arousing people's interest in its character and its origin. The overwhelming spring-up of new mass media, together with traditional mass media, has broadened the extent of the development of cultural mix&match and deepened its meaning of its existence. As for the development of culture, mix&match not only inherits the traditions, but also brings opportunity to innovation of cultures. This paper probes to systematically analyze the formation and development of “mix&match” from the perspective of the characters of mix&match and the interaction between mass media and cultural mix&match, making a judgment of the value of cultural mix&match. As for the shortcomings and disadvantages of cultural mix&match, the author will give some advice, such as mass media taking part in the cultural construction, to deal with them.
Keywords Mix&Match Cultural Mix&Match Mass Media
1 引言1
2 文化混搭的概念1
2.1 “文化混搭”的概念1
2.2 文化混搭的存在形式2
2.2.1 跨领域混搭2
2.2.2 跨时代混搭3
2.2.3 跨阶层混搭3
2.2.4 跨性别混搭4
2.2.5 跨地域混搭4
2.2.6 混搭的多样化5
3 文化混搭存在的原因7
3.1 社会认同7
3.2 求新心理7
3.3 技术发展7
3.4 经济原因8
3.5 政治原因9
3.6 后现代主义文化思潮9
4 大众传播与文化混搭的相互作用10
4.1 大众传媒对文化混搭的影响10
4.2 文化混搭对大众传媒领域的影响11
5 文化混搭存在的意义12
5.1 促进文化多样性发展12
5.2 激发人的创新精神12
6 文化混搭的反思13
6.1 伦理建构13
6.2 监督管理14
6.3 传媒责任15
结论 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
1 引言
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