


    毕业论文关键词  液体气压式高平机 结构设计 参数校核


    Title    Structure Design of Hydropneumatic Mechanism    of Elevating and Equilibrating               


    With the development of modern warfare, light towed howitzer which has many merits such as low weight, good strategically maneuverability, strong firepower, less dependent upon logistics and so on has been brought on the stage of war again, it could greatly improve the battle effectiveness of immediate reaction force.

    Though hydropneumatic mechanism of elevating and equilibrating which has multifunction of equilibrating and elevating was used in the design of 155mm howitzer, it had important meanings such as simplifying structure, lightening weight, enhancing maneuverability and battle effectiveness of the artillery.

    The thesis analyzes the work principium and influential equilibrium factors of hydropneumatic mechanism of elevating and equilibrating. Subsequently, according its structural bearing traits, its structure was confirmed with parameters. And appropriate hand hydraulic pump was selected. In the end, the intensity of its central parts was proofed. 

    Keywords Hydropneumatic mechanism of elevating and equilibrating Structure design Verification parameters

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题的背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外轻型火炮的发展 2

    1.3  高平机的作用及其发展现状 3

    1.4  本文的主要研究内容 5

    1.5  本章小结 5

    2  液体气压式高平机工作原理及影响因素分析 6

    2.1  液体气压式高平机的基本工作原理 6

    2.2  摩擦阻力对平衡性能的影响及改善措施 8

    2.3  本章小结 8

    3  液体气压式高平机的结构设计 9

    3.1  高平机的参数设计 9

    3.2  零部件几何尺寸参数的设计 16

    3.3  手动液压泵的选择 18

    3.4  高平机的密封 20

    3.5  本章小结 22

    4  高平机主要零件的强度校核 23

    4.1  高平机外筒强度校核 23

    4.2  高平机内筒强度校核 23

    4.3  活塞杆的强度及稳定性验算 24

  1. 上一篇:电子驻车制动系统发展研究现状
  2. 下一篇:国内外轻型火炮的发展研究现状
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  2. 火炮反后坐装置国内外研究现状和参考文献

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