    关键词: 地方特色  市场调研  实用性   价值意义
    Title   Research and design of the local special products                                                   
    The selected topic of this graduation paper starts with a industrial design of the product ,tring to discuss the redesigning study of local characteristics of the product. all design and production processes are carried out on the premise of the early market research. Overall workload of the subject design of is very big, and this topic is aimed at studing and analyzing on the practical case of ShuYang,hoping to make out a set of products with local characteristics. Local characteristic means the local culture and localization features is a kind of interpretation.It is also a kind of perception of "home".What’s more, it is a product which has local representative. Design is focused on summarizing the local characteristics and humanistic feelings to find designing elements, integrating design elements into the design of the entity.At the same time, I want to sum up the mature product design which can be referred to so as to achieve the purpose of the value of the design.The adaption to crowd,user research, operating characteristics, as well as the psychological reaction and so on are the precondition of product design.During the process, the guide of product design is also needed. Only by this way can designed products be more in line with the user's habits and expectations. By studying the theory applied to the designing practice of the product, I can develop my four-years learning comprehensive application ability.This paper first analyzes the research of localization of local characteristic product and development trend and market situation of the product characteristics. The selection and design of products must come from life,making them practical and creative. Then with regard to the influence factors and the value meaning of the product in the local culture, and at last make the graduation paper under the previous study,draw the previous brainstorming sketch map,determine the the type of the product in the middle,from late model design to render and the completion of the entity model. Through the different perspectives of analyses and research and from the processing of details to the theoretical basis, I can show my own views and recognition.
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