    摘要: 现代办公园区建筑通过对传统办公楼模式的革命性创新,应用生态节能等高科技,不仅创造了更加舒适的室内物理环境,而且引入空中景观中庭和社会功能,创造了更加人性化、令人愉快的工作环境,空间也变得流动和富于趣,强调精神化的需求,是社会学意义上的进化。
     Architectural design specification of Industrial office park in Shanghai
    Abstract:Modern office park office building through the traditional mode of revolutionary innovation, the application of eco-energy saving
    Other high-tech, not only creates a more comfortable indoor physical environment, the landscape and the introduction of air atrium and social function, creating a more humane, pleasant working environment, space has become mobile and rich in taste, emphasizing the spirit of demand is the sociological sense of evolution.
    Office building in the future development trend is clear: all the high-tech means to revolve around the theme of green and energy efficient building shape will be more perse, functional structure will be more enrichment, more emphasis on humane and very relaxed and space environment creation. From the design should take full account of adaptability, flexibility, efficiency and user-friendly design concept to fully display the architectural features and building the image of affinity and openness, so that the harmonious coexistence of people and buildings and the environment, sustainable development, artists create intimate and comfortable and natural architectural image of the office environment.
    KeyWords:public space;fun space;courtyard
    目  录
    1  项目概况 1
      1.1  工程概况 1
      1.2  基地研究以及设计核心 …1
    2  设计理念…1
    3  方案设计…2
      3.1  总体布局 2
      3.2  建筑单体 2
        3.2.1  餐厅休闲 2
        3.2.2  健身舞蹈 2
        3.2.3  图书阅览 2
        3.2.2  办公区域 2
        3.2.2  其他附属 3
      3.3  设计策略 3
    3.3.1  围合与中心景观的营造 …3
    3.3.2  建筑单体的设计思想 3
      3.4  交通流线 3
      3.5  材料细部 3
    4  小结…4
    1  项目概况

    1.1  工程概况

    1.2  基地研究以及设计核心
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