    毕业论文关键词:    十文铁咀嚼片;广告;多媒体;FLASH;
    Advertising design and production of the medicine ShiWeiTieJuJuePian
    Abstract:     This subject is about to design and product a medicine advertisement of ShiWeiTieJuJuePian. The requirements of this subject is to know the object features of the graduation design , to learn the idea of the expression of the theme of the advertising production and the methods of making video clips. We can use a variety of expression ways to integrate the multimedia information ,such as animation, images, word art, video, sound, ect, and express the main idea. The main direction of the subject is a medicine ads. From the point of the medicine, we should have a clear and detailed introduction about the medicine. And from the point of the ads, we should understand the theoretical and practical knowledge. In the early stage of production task, I have do a research to know the forms of ads. Then , I arrange the information which I need. Finally, I will design and modify on the screenplay which is carried out. Due to the urgency of the time in the design process, the whole subjects in detail is not very well. But from the production process, I have learned that knowledge is the most significant for us.
    Keywords:    ShiWeiTieJuJuePian;;Advertising;Multimedia;FLASH;
    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究目的    1
    1.2    课题研究背景    2
    2    国内外研究现状分析    3
    2.1    国内外网络广告分析    3
    2.1.1    国内外广告产业的开发情况    3
    2.1.2    中国网络广告市场的开发情况    4
    2.2    中国广告的发展趋势    5
    2.3    药品广告分析    6
    3    软件的功能及应用    8
    3.1    FLASH软件的介绍    8
    3.2    FLASH软件的功能介绍    8
    3.3    FLASH软件的应用领域    9
    4    可行性研究的前提    11
    4.1    课题的要求    11
    4.2    课题的制作    11
    4.3    课题的条件及限制    11
    4.4    课题的定位    11
    5    课题制作的内容    13
    5.1    素材设计的方法及体现    13
    5.2    课题的制作步骤    13
    5.2.1    程序编写的可行性    13
    5.2.2    方案实施可行性    16
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