    Analysis of residential landscape design of residential landscape design                                                
    Abstract:In the broad sense of the environment, including the social, natural, artificial environment, the behavior of the environment refers to the human survival, production and life of the external objective world. Man is not only the center of the environment, but also an integral part of the environment. Residential area broadly refers to the residents as the center, and the life and work related to the external environment, including the social, cultural, natural and artificial environment; the narrow sense refers to the building and constitute around the entire living area, building the external environment, external architecture space composed of solid structures, roads, the site, plants, water and other substances. As an organic part of the urban green space system, the layout and design of residential landscape is very important to improve the overall quality of the urban landscape environment. At the same time, the residential environment landscape is the closest landscape from the residents life, in addition to its ecological environment, also provides entertainment for residents, fitness exchange, and other places of refuge, and also plays an important role in the humanlity environment. With the development of society, the residents of the housing demand has been gradually from the "home ownership" "ordinary residential special"to home ownership housing priority "green residential, if there has dainty living environment landscape has become the basic elements of residential district. At the same time, we should give full play to the regional characteristics and cultural characteristics of the landscape design of the residential landscape,and combine our idea into the landscape planning and design.
    Key words:Analysis of residential landscape design of residential landscape;Residential area; landscape design
    Key words1
    1.1居住区景观规划设计原则 2
    1.2国内现状 2
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