    毕业论文关键词: 葡萄主题公园 农业观光园 生态园 葡萄文化 葡萄酒文化
    Landscape Concept Design of Grape Culture Theme Park in Tianjin General Plan Design
    Base is located in the north of the scenic northern Tianjin canal, which is situated the outer ring road and the intersection of Beijing and Tianjin,with convenient transportation and elegant environment.Base used to be a set of tourist accommodation, catering, business meetings, leisure and entertainment, spa bath, chess tea, fishing picking, sightseeing agriculture in one of the major tourist attractions.
    The project is creating a high-quality grape agricultural industry cultural sightseeing garden,which based on the Agricultural Sightseeing Park,and combined the agricultural production with the humanistic tourism.It takes the prototype of grapes--fruit, stems and the liquid texture of wine, as the graphic elements throughout the whole scheme, to reflect the cultural connotation of grape and wine.We will transform the entire park,  the landmark buildings of grape culture replaced the traditional courtyard, at the same time, combined with the advantages of the local water environment and agricultural production, to create a set of leisure and agricultural production the eco agriculture sightseeing garden, and become a local landmark.
    Key Words:Grape theme park, Agricultural sightseeing park, ECO Garden, Grape culture, Wine culture

    1    引言    5
    1.1    项目研究背景    5
    1.1.1区位分析    5
    1.1.2葡萄及葡萄酒文化的发展历史    5
    1.1.3发展机遇    6
    1.2    项目研究意义    6
    2    文献综述    7
    2.1    生态园    7
    2.1.1生态园的概念    7
    2.1.2生态园的类别    7
    2.2    农业观光园    8
    2.2.1农业观光园的概念    8
    2.2.2农业观光园的类型    8
    2.2.3农业观光园的特征    9
    2.2.4农业观光园的研究意义    10
    3    设计思路    11
    3.1    现状分析    11
    3.1.1基地周边环境分析    11
    3.1.2基地内部环境分析    11
    3.1.3周边道路交通分析    12
    3.2    规划目标与定位    13
    3.2.1规划原则    13
    3.2.2规划理念    13
    3.3    景观规划设计说明    13
    3.3.1总体规划    13
    3.3.2 商业景观设计    14
    4    景观规划分析    14
    4.1    功能分析    14
    4.2    景观结构分析    14
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