    毕业论文关键词: 产业园 大数据产业园 生智能生态园区 景观建设
    Landscape design of big data Industrial Park in Chongzhou, Sichuan Node design
        The project is located in Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, East, West to the Blackstone River Avenue, South to the north to Changfeng Road, Chong'an road. The industrial park is located in the eastern suburbs of Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, about 4.5 kilometers, covers an area of 70 hectares. Big data Industrial Park, relying on the eastern side of the Blackstone River and on the south side of the lake dominant landscape resources to build ecological, intelligent, humane characteristics of the fourth generation of science and Technology Park as the goal will become model of intelligent ecological park construction in the region.
        The design scheme for the entire surrounding area defined clear vision, shaping the large industrial park data in the national and Sichuan Province's image and status by shaping the landscape park, to provide a regional recreation for the internal staff and the surrounding people, leisure leisure public space, the project aims to provide a reference for the construction of China's new generation of park landscape.
    Key Words:Industrial Park ,Big data industry park,  Ecological park of Ecological Intelligence,  Landscape construction
    1    引言.4
    1.1    项目研究背景..4
    1.1.1区位分析.. 4
    1.1.2现状及周边 4
    1.1.3空间需求特点. 4
            1.1.4发展趋势.. 4
    1.2    项目研究意义..4
    2    调研与构想.4
    2.1    文献资料4
    2.1.1大数据产业园的概念. 5
            2.1.2大数据产业园发展机遇.. 5
            2.1.3大数据产业园面临的挑战 5
    2.2    设计构想.. 5
    2.2.1设计构想原则. 5
    2.2.2具体步骤 . 5
    3    设计思路.. 6
    3.1    现状分析.. 6
    3.1.1基地环境分析 6
    3.1.2基地状况分析 8
    3.1.3周边道路交通分析.. 8
    4    节点设计..8
    4.1    设计理念..8
        4.1.1景观结构分析 8
            4.1.2景观节点. 9
    4.2    节点平面图.. 10
    4.3    植物种植分析 11
    4.4    节点效果图.. 11
    5    结束语 13
    致谢 14
    参考文献.. 15
    1    引言
    1.1    项目研究背景
    a. 目前基地外围北侧和西侧为工业厂区,尤其基地街廓西北角为食品公司,影响较大。
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